
“Light of China· One Belt and One Road New Chapter”- The envoy of the hundred countries shared the Jingdezhen ceramic culture
source: release time:2015-12-03 09:52:40 reading quantity:

?  On December 3rd, 2015, the exhibition of ceramic art works “Light of China· One Belt and One Road New Chapter”, jointly sponsored by the Jingdezhen University and the Chinese Architectural Culture Research Association, is on the stage of Bird Nestl Culture Center in Beijing. Civilization will be more colorful and richer with communicating and mutual learning. The evening of the exhibition, envoys from hundreds of countries such as Canada, Armenia, Tunisia, Costa Rica, Jamaica and Shanghai cooperation countries, came to the exhibition hall of Jingdezhen University ceramic art works “Light of China· One Belt and One Road New Chapter”. While visiting the exhibition, envoys communicated and interacted with the artists. Jingdezhen University artists use their brushes to create a dialogue between ceramic culture and the world in the form of artistic creation, to make Chinese ceramic culture shining the light of China in the mutual appreciation with the other cultures around the world. During the exhibition, many national envoys expressed willingness to cooperate with our cooperation, and signed a cooperation framework agreement on the spot, to jointly explore education and school cooperation, and promote exchange and dissemination of art and culture. This ceramic works exhibition opened the dialogue once again between China and the world with the Jingdezhen ceramic culture as themedium.

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  • 主站蜘蛛池模板: 长丰县| 盐源县| 宜兴市| 攀枝花市| 孟州市| 开鲁县| 自治县| 丽水市| 新巴尔虎右旗| 平武县| 昌都县| 光泽县| 定远县| 芜湖市| 台前县| 松潘县| 山丹县| 临沧市| 来宾市| 油尖旺区| 金川县| 英德市| 合江县| 西乡县| 长宁区| 佛坪县| 广平县| 榆树市| 乌拉特后旗| 凤阳县| 天镇县| 惠来县| 澎湖县| 久治县| 乃东县| 巧家县| 黄浦区| 吐鲁番市| 上虞市| 瓮安县| 友谊县|